
ATC Coenzyme Q10

2:40 PM
ATC Coenzyme Q10 Early on,  I've learned the sad fact that life is never fair. There are people who were born with a golden spoon in their mouth or in simple terms born rich and who do not need to work in their entire lifetime. They belong to the privileged minority that had a head start in life.  But one thing is sure,...


ATC Evening Primrose - Alleviate PMS

2:36 PM
ATC Evening Primrose - Alleviate PMS Have you encountered at some point in your life, a woman who snaps irrationally, craves uncontrollably and shops like mad, once a month? It usually happens a week or two before their period and the science behind it - PMS (premenstrual syndrome). Study shows that one in every 20 women suffer from PMS. PMS is intense enough...


ATC STRIKE: Your First Line of Defense Against Dengue

2:36 PM
ATC STRIKE: Your First Line of Defense Against Dengue Did you know that, according to World Health Organization, half of the world’s population is at risk of developing dengue?  In this case, which half do you think you belong? Those who are knowledgeable about dengue or those who have prepared their unbeatable line of defense against Dengue baring mosquitoes?  Did you know that just by reading this alone from being clueless...



2:34 PM
ATC GARLIC OIL  Decide to be Heart Healthy People are catching on to the fact that one must cut down on bad cholesterol at all costs.  There is no more question to this as several Countries’ governments have already initiated and successfully banned and/or regulated the availability of bad fat from food sources. And the results have been amazing! Deaths due to heart-related...



2:33 PM
BITTERGO:BE FREE OF DIABETES I am obese. Thus, I am a candidate for type 2 diabetes.  There are times when I can't sleep at night because I had to urinate several times. That's why I am so glad that ATC came up with Bitter Go! Not only that, it has a buy 1 take 1 limited offer this Christmas! Imagine your savings if...


REDUCIN:Helps you get on the right track in weight loss

1:18 PM
REDUCIN:Helps you get on the right track in weight loss Extra bulges here and there are very unsightly. Since being obese can be genetics one needs extra help to lose all that excess. Alas! With all your everyday activities, jam-packed schedules and meetings not to mention the monstrous traffic you have to brave to and from work, I bet you don't know anymore...


LIVERMARIN: Secure Your Liver from Harmful Disease, Take LIVERMARIN Daily

12:38 AM
LIVERMARIN: Secure Your Liver from Harmful Disease, Take LIVERMARIN Daily According to a report by Euromonitor, Filipinos are the 3rd heaviest drinkers in the world. While many Pinoys may think of this as a distinction to be proud of, doctors would disagree. As, excessive alcohol consumption is one of the leading causes of liver disease. While it is difficult to avoid alcohol as...


VITA-E: Redefine Beauty Inside and Out

12:37 AM
VITA-E: Redefine Beauty Inside and Out Have you also notice the beauty trend today? Well kept look is gone! A lot of women now walk around with “messy” hair and “no makeup” look. The catch behind this trend is you must look more authentically you or not trying so hard at all.  The thing is, no one really wakes up and struts around...


BITTERGO:Decrease Your Risk of Diabetes

6:08 AM
BITTERGO:Decrease Your Risk of Diabetes Diabetes, the 8th leading cause of death in the Philippines, is painful to endure in so many ways. The physical and psychological agonies that diabetic patients have to bear are simply overwhelming. Lifetime medications, kidney dialysis that requires at least three sessions per week, regular checkups and insulin injections are just some of the mandatory requirements to manage...


STRIKE:Defend against the Deadly Dengue

2:41 AM
STRIKE:Defend against the Deadly Dengue Despite continuous studies for the treatment of dengue, the mosquito-borne disease remains to be incurable. Since the epidemic outbreak that started in the Philippines and Thailand in the 1950s, 64 years later, the best discovery to address the deadly fever is still insufficient. While there is a vaccine that is formulated to prevent dengue, its efficacy is yet...


FATOUT:Cheers to Colon Cleansing

2:36 AM
FATOUT:Cheers to Colon Cleansing They say a healthy tummy is a healthy body. Digestive problems such as constipation, diarrhea or flatulence can easily turn a peachy day into a ruined one. Consider colon cleansing. Proponents of colon cleansing believe that removing toxins and body wastes from the colon can help you feel better and improve your bodily functions. As an added bonus, if...


MINOXIDIL REGROE: The Proven Hair Grower

5:37 PM
MINOXIDIL REGROE: The Proven Hair Grower  Balding hairline? Ewww, that is such a turn off. Why not try Minoxidil Regroe, the most effective hair grower in the market today! We shed up to 100 hairs a day and that is normal. But for some people, hair loss is much more serious and it's affecting her self confidence and outlook in life. Good thing...


Make Father's Day a Statement at Marriott Manila

4:17 PM
Make Father's Day a Statement at Marriott Manila Celebrating Father’s Day is not only a treat but a statement at Marriott Manila. Give him his much needed time off from daddy duties and treat him like a true gentleman that he is.  Every second of this special occasion count, as Marriott will surprise two dads with a TW Steel timepiece, when they dine...



G--Xchange, Inc. (GXI), A Wholly-owned Mobile Commerce Subsidiary of Globe Telecom, Inc. Presents Asia Digital Marketing Expo 2015

3:47 PM
G-Xchange, Inc. (GXI), A Wholly-owned Mobile Commerce Subsidiary of Globe Telecom, Inc. Presents Asia Digital Marketing Expo 2015 G-Xchange, Inc. (GXI), a wholly-owned mobile commerce subsidiary of the leading telecommunications company in the Philippines, Globe Telecom, Inc. supports and joins The Asia Digital Marketing Expo, the biggest convention of leaders for Digital Marketing. The Asia Digital Marketing Expo 2015 will happen on July 26,...



Robert Laurel Yupangco of Yupangco Group of Companies for Asia Digital Marketing Expo 2015

3:39 PM
Robert Laurel Yupangco of Yupangco Group of Companies for Asia Digital Marketing Expo 2015 The leader in theme park management, Mr. Robert Laurel Yupangco is joining the Asia Digital Marketing Expo on July 26. 26.  The award winning entrepreneur manages the Zoomanity Group, the famous chain of 6 theme parks here and abroad, namely  Zoobic Safari in Subic, Zambales  Paradizoo in Mendez, Cavite  Residence Inn, Tagaytay  Zoocolate...



Hotel Rembrant: Relieve The Old World Charm

3:36 PM
Hotel Rembrant: Relieve The Old World Charm Situated  at the heart of Quezon City Philippines is a unique boutique hotel that combines the essence of 17th Century European grandeur with the luxuries of the modern life. Hotel Rembrant under Artsream Hospitality Management Group Incorporated (AHMGI) is just one of 5 hotels conceptualized to relish the zest of life.  Photo from Expedia.com Rooms Hotel...



Win a trip for 2 to Lego Land Malaysia at Stardibs.com!

1:11 AM
Win a trip for 2 to Lego Land Malaysia at Stardibs.com! Join the Travel Package Anniversary Treat of Stardibs and have a chance to fly to Malaysia and experience Lego Land with your partner for free! Good news to bargain hunters, discount shoppers and fans of local showbiz stars alike! If you’ve always loved a good deal, are always on the look-out for...



Why Summer is the best season of all time?

5:03 PM
Why Summer is the best season of all time? As the old saying goes, we've saved the best for last, and summer is indeed the best season. People look forward to summer because it has much more to offer than the other seasons. It's always warm, the days are long, and unlike the other seasons, there is no point where it is too...


MAPFRE Advocates Financial Preparedness and Literacy for Low Income Sector with Microinsurance Program

6:23 PM
MAPFRE Advocates Financial Preparedness and Literacy for Low Income Sector with Microinsurance ProgramMAPFRE Insular Insurance Corporation, in support of the government’s inclusive development initiatives, will launch the Kabuhayan at Kinabukasan Alay ng MAPFRE sa Pinoy (KaKAMPi) Microinsurance, a program to help policyholders protect their family from the financial burden of coping with costs associated with the unexpected death of family members. The KaKAMPi...



Endless fun under the Philippine Sun

11:20 PM
Endless fun under the Philippine Sun Who doesn't love a little fun in the sun? The beach can be a perfect way to spend the day and get some summer moments with your loved ones. Summer means sun, shorts, sandals, bathing suits, and bronzed skin. But with beach hair and shorter hemlines comes the dangers that not only instigate the probability of skin...


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